1 in 3 Foundation
The 1 in 3 Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, philanthropic organization that provides recovery tools, healing resources, fellowship and support to women who are adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and sexual assault. The focus of the 1 in 3 Foundation is the healing journey of survivors as they enter various stages of life and providing resources, tools and support to cope with daily emotional and physical demands. Founded by a survivor of sexual abuse and assault, our goal of providing recovery tools and support systems focuses not only on the healing journey itself but also to allow survivors to live a free, vibrant and hopeful life no longer shackled to the trauma of the abuse.
It is the intention of the 1 in 3 Foundation to provide funding for new programs and activities for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault not in existence or not formally established in Smith County, Texas.
What We Are About
Our Mission: The mission of the 1 in 3 Foundation is to educate and empower adult women survivors of childhood sexual abuse and sexual assault by providing comprehensive healing and transformation through counseling, advocacy and support.
Our Purpose: This corporation is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes to benefit and support adult women who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse and sexual assault.
What we do: The 1 in 3 Foundation cultivates programs in the community to support recovery and provide an outlet for women still healing from childhood sexual abuse and assault. Programs include a focus on addiction recovery. According to the Sexual Abuse Recovery Center, because sexual abuse is a traumatic experience, self-medication often seems like a preferable option to seeking help. This can lead to sex and love addiction, alcohol abuse and drug use. Often times women are not aware their sexual abuse trauma is directly related to their behaviors as adults and how it impacts every aspect of their relationships with others. The 1 in 3 Foundation will help to link survivors in a pattern of “acting out” with counselors, literature and organized support groups to help break the cycle. Victims may be embarrassed or afraid to seek counseling or medical treatment and it will be the highest priority of the 1 in 3 Foundation to protect the anonymity of those it serves.
You Are Not Alone!
- 1 in 3 Women
will be sexually abused in their lifetime.
- 1 in 3 Girls & 1 in 3 Boys
will be sexually abused by age of 18.
- 1 in 3 Juvenile victims
of sexual abuse are under the age of 6.
will be sexually abused in their lifetime.
will be sexually abused by age of 18.
of sexual abuse are under the age of 6.
1in3 Foundation
It is the intention of the 1 in 3 Foundation to provide funding for new programs and activities for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault not in existence or not formally established in Smith County, Texas.
Contact Us
P.O. Box 216
Flint, Texas 75762