Resources & More
The 1 in 3 Foundation is creating a comprehensive guide to resources available in Smith County for women survivors of sexual abuse and sexual assault. Directories will be distributed at no cost to mental health providers, law enforcement, hospitals, doctors, church and other community support providers to distribute to women survivors of sexual abuse and sexual assault seeking help. This directory will be updated once annually and redistributed each year.
Addiction is often a response to sexual trauma.
Get The Directory:
This directory will serve as a guide to direct women seeking help towards the various outlets in our community that can provide them with strength and hope to take the steps to receiving professional treatment and care. This directory also includes resources for addiction recovery counseling and 12-Step programs, as addiction is often a response to sexual trauma.
Together We Can Help
The 1 in 3 Foundation wants to connect survivors with opportunities to share their stories of strength and hope to encourage and build recovery networks within their communities. Sharing experiences with like-minded individuals or those who have a similar story can help the healing process and help the survivor remove the pain of isolation and fear.
Get in touch now
The 1 in 3 Foundations support systems focus not only on the healing journey itself
but also to allow survivors to live a free, vibrant and hopeful life
no longer shackled to the trauma of the abuse.
1in3 Foundation
It is the intention of the 1 in 3 Foundation to provide funding for new programs and activities for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault not in existence or not formally established in Smith County, Texas.
Contact Us
P.O. Box 216
Flint, Texas 75762